Sunlight reflected through obscure glass onto a blind in a factory building provided the catalyst for this series of Polaroid’s, in which the materiality and illusion of the photographic process coalesce. Captivated by the hazy insinuating interior image sketched by light, evocative of a seascape… a glowing horizon, and its incongruity with the exterior one of factory buildings and a prison. Subverting the first rule of photography ‘not to point directly into the sun’ I recreated the moment with the work of master renderer of light JMW Turner in mind, adding patches of coloured ink directly to the window. The resulting soft coloured projections onto the blind, obscure the sun’s light and efface the arduous reality outside.

Sunlight reflected through obscure glass onto a blind in a factory building provided the catalyst for this series of Polaroid’s, in which the materiality and illusion of the photographic process coalesce. Captivated by the hazy insinuating interior image sketched by light, evocative of a seascape… a glowing horizon, and its incongruity with the exterior one of factory buildings and a prison. Subverting the first rule of photography ‘not to point directly into the sun’ I recreated the moment with the work of master renderer of light JMW Turner in mind, adding patches of coloured ink directly to the window. The resulting soft coloured projections onto the blind, obscure the sun’s light and efface the arduous reality outside.